Lifelong Learning
Experiences Factory,
oriented towards the impact of the results of the organizations.

Together we work as one.

The problem we solve

What we do

We are experts in the implementation of learning experiences that generate interest in learning and sharing knowledge.

Corporate Universities Orientated to the Outcome (UCORE)
We are merging the needs of customers with creativity and technology to impact the results of our allies.
Lifelong Learning in Universities
We develop and/or enhance the skills and knowledge of students on a permanent basis for timely and reliable decision-making.
Production of Courses and
Interactive Resources
We guide our experiences in order to seduce the main acts of learning that is... the one who learns not the one who teaches.

Our results

Many companies have given us their confidence to develop the talents of their collaborators to the fullest potential. The figures certify and endorse us as the ideal strategic partner for your organization.


Service management


LXD Platform


Achievement of Learning Goals


Achievement of Learning expectations


Positive Perception of Learning Methodology

Who we are

Our pourpose

Create permanent personalized learning experiences that generate interest for learning and sharing knowledge trough sustainable strategies that generate significant impact in the organizations results.

Our value proposal

Our own model supported by an information system to align OKR´s and KPI´s with permanent learning experiences. (lifelong learning)
Transmedia content production factory supported by instructional strategies that allow evaluating mechanical memory and comprehensive memory.
LXS platform - learning experience system web and mobile.
User experience center to accompany users in generating interest in learning and sharing knowledge.

What makes us different

Our passion:
ContentMania innovation culture.
We know how to identify and impact the needs of our allies.
We fusion the needs of our allies with creativity and technology to achieve results.
The experience:
Experts in the implementation of learning experiences in different economi sectors in diferent countries.

We invite you to start a learning experience with us

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